Listed below is each of the C++Builder static library names and its use.
Directory of BCB\LIB (LIB files)
File name | Use |
bcbatl.lib |
bcbie.lib |
bcbsmp.lib |
cg32.lib | CodeGuard library (link this in if you want to use CodeGuard) |
cghelp.lib | CodeGuard help library |
cp32mt.lib | VCL-compliant C RTL multithreaded static library |
cp32mti.lib | VCL-compliant import library for multithreaded C RTL cc3260mt.dll |
cw32.lib | RTL single-threaded static library |
cw32i.lib | Import library for RTL cc3260.dll |
cw32mt.lib | RTL multi-threaded static library |
cw32mti.lib | Import library for multithreaded RTL cc3260mt.dll |
dbx.lib |
dcl31w.lib |
dclact.lib |
dclado.lib |
dclbcbsmp.lib |
dclbde.lib |
dcldb.lib |
dclisp.lib |
dclmid.lib |
dclnet.lib |
dclsoap.lib |
dclstd.lib |
dclwebsnap.lib |
designdgm.lib |
dxextra.lib | DirectX static library |
ibevnt.lib |
import32.lib | Import library; includes Winsock 1.x |
memmgr.lib | Import library for BORLNDMM.DLL |
mswsock.lib | Import library for MSWSOCK.DLL |
noeh32.lib | No exception handling support library |
obsolete.lib | Old functions |
ole2w32.lib | Import library for the 32-bit OLE 2.0 API |
oleaut32.lib | Import library for the 32-bit OLE 2.0 API |
usebormm.lib |
uuid.lib | GUID static library for miscellaneous Direct 3D, DirectDraw, DirectSound, Shell extensions, DAO, Active Scripting, and so on |
vcl.lib | VCL library, contains references to all other VCL libs; use in MAKEFILES with no version # |
vcllink.lib |
vclstd.lib |
vcljpg50.lib | Static library for VCL JPEG component |
w32inet.lib | Import library for MS Internet DLLs |
ws2_32.lib | Import library for the 32-bit WinSock 2.0 API |
wininet.lib | Import library for the wininet.dll |
Directory of BCB\LIB (OBJ files)
File name | Use |
c0d32.obj | DLL startup module |
c0d32w.obj | DLL startup module, Wide-char version |
c0d32x.obj | DLL startup module, no exception handling |
c0pkg32.obj | Package startup module |
c0w32.obj | GUI EXE startup module |
c0w32w.obj | GUI EXE startup module, Wide-char version |
c0x32.obj | 32-bit console-mode EXE startup module |
c0x32w.obj | 32-bit console-mode EXE startup module, Wide-char version |
fileinfo.obj | Passes open file-handle information to child processes |
gp.obj | Prints register-dump information when an exception occurs |
wildargs.obj | Transforms wild-card arguments into an array of arguments to main()/wmain() in console-mode applications |
(Lib\PSDK Subdirectory) Import libraries for the Platform SDK
See Also
use dynamic RTL去掉